Andrey Votinov



Science Doctor
  • Current activity :Tech Investor
  • Location :UK


Andrey Votinov Professional


I am actively involved in both passive and hands-on investments in technology development projects and innovative startups as part of my work in the tech industry.

In the past, I had a distinguished career in the Oil and Gas sector, where I combined my professional and academic expertise. My scientific contributions in the industry laid the foundation for my career. Key milestones include:

• 2004: Diploma in “Economics and Management at an Oil and Gas Enterprise” from the I. M. Gubkin State Academy of Oil and Gas, Moscow.
• 2006: PhD in Technical Sciences, awarded by the Dissertation Council of the Kuban State Technological University, Krasnodar.
• 2009: Advanced Diploma in “Economics and Management at an Oil and Gas Enterprise” from Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas.
• 2010: Executive MBA from the Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University.
• 2011: MBA in “International Business in the Oil and Gas Industry” from Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
• 2013: Doctor of Economics, PhD awarded by the Dissertation Council of the State University of Management.

I also held teaching positions in Economics and Management at the Russian State Hydro-Meteorological University, Tuapse Branch, and was a former member of the Russian Academy of Natural History.

My professional career was devoted to applying my scientific achievements in the Oil and Gas industry. Until the end of 2014, I held various managerial and non-executive roles within Rosneft and its subsidiaries. This culminated in my appointment as Vice President for Capital Construction and a Member of the Management Board of Rosneft Oil Company from March 2013 to December 2014.


Scientific articles &


Scientific articles and researches published by Andrey Votinov

Votinov A.V. Strategies of Russian vertically integrated oil companies in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region

- M .: OMEPI IE RAS, 2009. (10.1 pp.) / Votinov A.V. Strategies of Russian vertically integrated oil companies in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region. – M .: OMEPI IE RAS, 2009. (10.1 pp.)

Votinov A.V. Development of the berthing complex in the port of Tuapse: modern engineering and economic approaches

M., Max-press, 2011 (17.5 pp.). / Votinov A.V. Development of the berthing complex in the port of Tuapse: modern engineering and economic approaches. – M., Max-press, 2011 (17.5 pp.).

Votinov A.V. Foreign economic relations of Russian vertically integrated oil companies in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region.

Novocherkassk: LIK, 2012 (8.5 pp.). / Votinov A.V. Foreign economic relations of Russian vertically integrated oil companies in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region. – Novocherkassk: LIK, 2012 (8.5 pp.).

Integrated oil companies of Russia in the system of international economic cooperation in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region

M .: OMEPI IE RAS, 2013. (11.7 pp.) / Votinov A.V. Vertically integrated oil companies of Russia in the system of international economic cooperation in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region (transport aspects). - M .: OMEPI IE RAS, 2013. (11.7 pp.)

Votinov A.V. Foreign economic relations of Russian vertically integrated oil companies in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region.

Novocherkassk: LIK, 2012 (8.5 pp.). / Votinov A.V. Foreign economic relations of Russian vertically integrated oil companies in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region. – Novocherkassk: LIK, 2012 (8.5 pp.).

Integrated oil companies of Russia in the system of international economic cooperation in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region

M .: OMEPI IE RAS, 2013. (11.7 pp.) / Votinov A.V. Vertically integrated oil companies of Russia in the system of international economic cooperation in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region (transport aspects). - M .: OMEPI IE RAS, 2013. (11.7 pp.)

Degree &


Articles in journals from the list of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals, in which the main scientific results of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published:

Votinov A.V. Ways to improve the reliability of compensation systems of technological pipelines

Oil and Gas Business. 2005. No. 1 (0.5 pp.) / Votinov A.V. Ways to improve the reliability of compensation systems of process pipelines // Oil and Gas Business. 2005. No. 1. (0.5 p.s.)

Votinov A.V. New refining capacities in the Black Sea: Tuapse Refinery

Oil, Gas and Business. 2011. No. 11 (0.6 pp.)
Votinov A.V. New oil refining capacities on the Black Sea: Tuapse Oil Refinery // Oil, Gas and Business. 2011. No. 11 (0.6 p.l.)

Votinov A.V. Development of the Russian system of offshore oil terminals on the Black Sea: Tuapse deepwater

Oil, Gas and Business. 2011. No. 12. (0.5 pp.)
Votinov A.V. Development of the Russian system of marine oil terminals on the Black Sea: Tuapse deep-water// Oil, gas and business. 2011. No. 12. (0.5 p.l.)

Votinov A.V. On the Prospects of Supply and Demand for Light Oil Products in Europe and the USA

Exposition Oil Gas. 2012. No. 1. (0.7 pp.)
Votinov A.V. On the issue of the prospects for supply and demand for light petroleum products in Europe and the USA // Oil Gas Expo. 2012. No. 1. (0.7 p.s.)

View all Scientific articles and researches published by Andrey Votinov

Currently, I am engaged as both a passive and active investor in tech development projects and startups.

Location: UK

Techn Investor
2009 - 2013